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Pole Damage Analysis


Pole Damage Analysis Software

D-Calc provides pole groundline inspectors and engineers a tool to quickly and accurately evaluate the effect of damage or decay on a wood pole’s strength. Traditional methods determined pole adequacy based on average remaining shell thickness or reduced circumference measurements. D-Calc allows the user to input pole properties and “draw” a true representation of the observed damage, which it then uses to calculate the percent remaining strength.

D-Calc runs in internet connected as well as disconnected modes on Windows, iOS, and Android devices, including tablets and smartphones. D-Calc has a variety of import and export formats, and includes a direct integration to Esri ArcGIS Collector, Field Maps, and Survey123.

Pricing options




API, SDK, and Enterprise options are also available upon request.

Contact Paul Petersen for more information.

Pricing & Ordering

Paul Petersen

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Matt Sinclair

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