T&D Engineering
Transmission Engineering
EDM’s overhead transmission line design team has expertise and experience in many aspects of transmission engineering including new projects and retrofitting and analysis of existing lines for potential replacement or upgrade, stand-alone analysis and assessments. EDM’s team utilizes state-of-the-art information, technology, and software to support our line engineering services, and our engineers are experienced in modeling, analyzing, and designing lines including their structures, conductors, and foundation systems. EDM’s engineers are industry experts on various codes and standards and are often called upon to assist utilities in monitoring code compliance, identifying infractions, and assessing remediation needs.
New and Retrofit Design and Engineering
- Structure design (poles and towers, all materials)
- Foundation design
- Reconductoring/shield wire replacement
- System hardening
- Owner’s engineer (OE) services
- Finite element modeling and analysis (RISA 3D, SAP 2000)
- Seismic analysis and design
- Drafting including 3-D modeling
Custom-Engineered Structures and Foundations
- Monopoles, H-Frames, Y-Frames and Towers
- Cast-in-place drilled pier foundations, direct embedment foundations, mat/slab foundations, rock anchors, helical piles, and micro-piles
- Pole and tower fabricator coordination
Meteorological Studies and Thermal/Ampacity Ratings
- Development of environmental/structural loading criteria
- Development of thermal rating criteria
- Guidance and recommendations on impacts of climate change relative to wind loading
- Conductor optimization studies for maximum ampacity/maximum operating temperature
- Development of ambient adjusted ratings and enhanced static ratings
- Development of seasonal and diurnal weather-based probabilistic ratings
- Monitoring technologies to support enhanced ratings (e.g., quasi-dynamic and dynamic ratings)
- FERC 811 support services
Inspection, Assessment, Construction Oversight and QA/QC
- Construction management
- Pre/post construction inspection
- As-built drawing development
- Construction QA/QC inspection
- Inspection/assessment of line conditions/aged infrastructure
- Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)-based virtual inspections and site monitoring
Standards and Codes Interpretation and Development
- NESC, G.O. 95, IEEE, ASCE, ASTM, DFI, etc.
- Utility standards development and updating both 2-D and 3-D
PLS-CADD Modeling, Analysis and Design
- Modeling from LiDAR or ground survey
- Development of PLS-CADD design criteria and requirements
- Structural and clearance analyses
- Custom job package reporting