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Environmental Services

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Applied Research, Product R&D and Outreach

EDM seeks objective, decision-relevant and science-based answers to utility challenges. EDM maintains an active applied research program, combining expertise in wildlife study design, engineering, and product development. EDM partners with industries and industry groups, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and academia to conduct research specifically tailored to meet industry needs. EDM’s findings can be provided solely to clients or disseminated through peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, conference presentations and proceedings, and reports. When published, EDM’s research frequently features utility industry personnel as coauthors.


  • Predictive Avian Electrocution Models
  • Automated Substation Avian Hazing System Evaluations
  • Development/Deployment of Remote Monitor Tools (Bird Strike Indicator, Animal Activity Monitor, LiDAR)
  • Development/Deployment of Avian Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) Using UV Light
  • Development/Deployment of UAV for Installation of Line Markers
  • Migratory Movement Studies Using Radar and Laser Range Finders
  • Wildlife Insulation Material Evaluations
  • Perch Deterrent Effectiveness Studies
  • Nest Deterrent Effectiveness Studies
  • Line Marking Effectiveness Studies
  • Woodpecker Damage Prevention Studies
  • Pole Repair Product Testing


The Avian Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) uses ultraviolet light that many birds see, but people do not to illuminate power lines and other suspended or elevated obstacles to make them visible to birds at night without making them any more apparent to human residents. The ACAS as successfully reduced avian collisions at multiple sites in the United States and is now being incorporated into research overseas.

Consulting Research EDM International 1
Consulting Research EDM International 10
Consulting Research EDM International 11
Consulting Research EDM International 2
Consulting Research EDM International 3
Consulting Research EDM International 4
Consulting Research EDM International 5
Consulting Research EDM International 6
Consulting Research EDM International 7
Consulting Research EDM International 8


Environmental Publications

Below is a link to our up-to-date list of publications produced from the folks in EDM’s Environmental Services sector. Feel free to print out a copy for your review.

EDM’s Environmental Services Group is a team of wildlife biologists, avian specialists, soil scientists, hydrologists, regulatory specialists and GIS experts. EDM works collaboratively across disciplines to develop practical, science-based solutions to high-profile environmental challenges on behalf of electric utilities, extractive industries, government agencies and non-governmental organizations. EDM is internationally known for research and consultation on avian electrocution, avian collision and animal-caused outages. EDM’s key to success is its team members, who are chosen for their unique and complementary skills and who conduct their work with passion, creativity and integrity.